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Image by James Yarema


Amazing Value

We seek to form partnerships with organizations, companies and individuals who are already established in the world of XR or are seeking to explore this technology further.

Together, we will form a new bridge connecting the XR industry across continental Europe.

Our partnership is predicated on shared objectives:

- Expand the presence of XR professionals in continental Europe

- Create an accessible and comprehensive network of XR professionals at the local, regional and international level

- Foster the professional and knowledge exchange of XR trends, techniques and technologies amongst our partners

Partnership Benefits

Euromersive seeks to build bridges between XR professionals, provide support through our services and offer a platform for collaboration, learning and sharing.

Here are some of the key benefits we offer our partners:

- Exclusive discounts and access to our programs and services

- Promotion and support through site, blog and social media partners

- Introductions to other members of the XR network on a local, regional and international level

- Participation in discussion forums, webinars and training programs

- Access to resources such as workshops and seminars to guide XR professionals in adapting their skills for best practices and industry standards

Please get in touch with us through our contact page if you’re interested in forming a partnership. We look forward to connecting with you and creating a strong and unified XR industry across continental Europe.

Partners: Membership
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