*FREE High Quality Resources 🎯*
Shared by Thomas Poetter in the GatherVerse WhatsApp group
🚀Introduction to Machine Learning
🪢Stanford: Machine Learning
🚀Making Friends with Machine Learning
🪢Applied Machine Learning
🚀Statistical Machine Learning
🪢Neural Networks: Zero to Hero
🚀Introduction to Deep Learning (MIT)
🪢CMU Introduction to Deep Learning
🚀MIT: Deep Learning for Art, Aesthetics, and Creativity
🪢Stanford Deep Learning
🚀Deep Unsupervised Learning
🪢NYU Deep Learning SP21
🚀Foundation Models
🪢Full Stack Deep Learning
🚀Practical Deep Learning for Coders
🪢Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps)
🚀Stanford - Transformers
🪢NLP Course (Hugging Face)
🚀Natural Language Understanding
🪢CMU Advanced NLP 2022
🚀Multilingual NLP
🪢Advanced NLP
🚀Deep Learning for Computer Vision